
导语:竹节菜,又称竹鸡草、竹叶菜等,是一种常见的野生植物,在我国各地均有分布。它不仅具有较高的药用价值,还可以作为蔬菜食用。那么,竹节菜究竟有哪些健康益处及用途呢?本文将为您详细介绍。 一、竹节菜的药用价值 1. 清热解毒:竹节菜性凉,味甘、微苦,归肝经和胃经。具有清热解毒、消肿利尿、润燥止血的功效。 2. 治疗感冒、咽喉炎:竹节菜对感冒、急性咽喉炎、腮腺炎、发热咳嗽等症有显著疗效。 3. 利尿消肿:竹节菜可利尿消肿,对于黄疸肝炎、鼻衄、水肿、脚气、尿血等症有治疗作用。 4. 治疗妇科病:竹节菜对白带、血崩等妇科病也有一定的治疗效果。 5. 治疗皮肤病:竹节菜可治疗痈疽疔疮、痢疾、外伤出血等皮肤病。 6. 治疗其他疾病:竹节菜对疟疾、小便不利等疾病也有一定的治疗作用。 二、竹节菜的食用价值…

It stands to reason that Mourinho’s personality is bound to make a desperate and crazy attack, but that will make the defense weak, which is no different from gambling. If there is not much left in the game, this risky approach can be tried, but Arsenal’s goal came too early this time. If we put on a desperate and extreme formation now, it is more likely to be blown up by our opponents. If we don’t adjust it for a while, what if Arsenal score another goal in the next game? At that time, even if you want to work hard again, you will definitely be able to save the day!

While Mourinho was struggling with this, the morale of Arsenal was greatly boosted, but with…